Первая иллюстрация к книге The Romanov Dinasty Costumes. A colouring book with commentaries. На английском языке - Моисеенко, Плотникова

Иллюстрация 1 из 3 для The Romanov Dinasty Costumes. A colouring book with commentaries. На английском языке - Моисеенко, Плотникова | Лабиринт - книги. Источник: Лабиринт
Книга для раскрашивания. Полностью на английском языке.
A colouring book with pictures and explanatory texts for anyone interested in knowing what members of the Romanov dynasty wore during its 300-year history, what their formal and informal clothing, military uniforms and wedding garments were like, how their children were dressed.