Третья иллюстрация к книге Pirate Pete. Pop-in-the-Slot Storybook - Nick Sharratt

Иллюстрация 3 из 32 для Pirate Pete. Pop-in-the-Slot Storybook - Nick Sharratt | Лабиринт - книги. Источник: u.p
Иллюстрация 3 из 32 для книги Pirate Pete. Pop-in-the-Slot Storybook - Nick Sharratt
Источник: u.p
A piratical pop-in-the-slot picture book where the reader gets to decide the story!
Ahoy there! Pirate Pete is about to set sail on a buccaneering adventure. What will he see in the sky and in the sea? And what's in the treasure chest? The reader decides! On each double page spread there are six cut-outs to choose from. Slot them into the picture to create a new story time and time again.