The Time of My Life: Cecelia Ahern

Сесилия Ахерн. Книга на английском языке. English language book

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Lucy Silchester keeps receiving this strange appointment card and sweeping its gold embossed envelope under the rug. Literally. She busies herself with a job she doesn't like, helping out friends, fixing her car, feeding her cat, and devoting her time to her family's dramas. But Lucy is about to find out that this is one appointment she can't miss, when Life shows up at her door, in the form of a sloppy but determined man.
Life follows her everywhere - from the office, to the bar, and to her bedroom - and Lucy learns that some of the choices she has made and the stories she has told aren't what they seem. Now her half-truths are about to be revealed, unless Lucy tells the truth about what really matters to her.
The Time of My Life is another warm, thought-provoking novel from Cecelia Ahern, internationally bestselling author of P.S. I Love You.
"Dear Lucy Silchester, You have an appointment for Monday, May 30, 2011. Yours sincerely, Life."
Lucy Silchester keeps receiving this appointment card and sweeping the envelope under the rug. Literally. Instead, she has busied herself with work (a job she doesn't love), helping out friends, fixing her car, feeding her cat, seeing her family, and devoting her time to their life dramas. But she's stuck in a rut and deluding everyone. Only Lucy knows the real truth.
Then one day life shows up at her door, in the form of a rather run-down man in an old suit, who is determined to bring about change. Life follows Lucy everywhere-the office, bars-meets her flabbergasted friends, and won't let Lucy off the hook. What she learns in the process is that some of the choices she's made, and stories she's told, aren't what they seem either. Now her stubborn half-truths are going to be revealed in all their glory . . . unless Lucy learns to tell the truth about what really matters to her.


ID товара
9780007433957, 978-0-06-224862-6 
494 (Газетная)
236 г
172x105x30 мм
Тип обложки
обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем) 
Без иллюстраций 
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Являясь поклонницей нестандартного мышления данной писательницы, решила приобрести её книгу на оригинальном языке. Выбрала The time of my life, поскольку книга замечательная))) Обложка идентичная некоторым русским изданиям) Что же о качестве - книга в мягкой обложке - после прочтения появятся морщинки на корешке, бума...
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