Transit: Around the World in 1424 Days

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2 рецензии


Around the world in 1424 days: the epic voyage behind the making of the book 1000 Families
Part travel journal, part scrapbook, this unique book traces the four-year, 250,000-km journey of photographer Uwe Ommer during the making of TASCHEN`s 1000 Families. Called a "family album of planet earth," 1000 Families is a vast collection of portraits taken by Ommer in over 130 countries in all corners of the world. Naturally, a voyage of such epic proportions bears its fair share of anecdotes, adventures, mishaps, and souvenirs, and Transit traces the experience via stories and images. From closed borders and broken bridges to late rainy seasons, curious customs officers, thieves, coups d`etat, raging fevers, and a far from "unbreakable" Land Rover, Ommer found truth in the maxim "just about everything that can go wrong, will."
This amusing and original compilation paints a vivid picture of what it`s like to travel to the most remote corners of the globe for four years, meeting countless people and observing the great cultural and social similarities and differences that mark the human race.
About the photographer:
Uwe Ommer became fascinated with photography at a young age and in 1962 moved to Paris, where he initially worked as a photographer's assistant. Within a few years, he opened his own photography studio, primarily shooting fashion and advertising photos. Quickly gaining respect for his work in Paris, Ommer began showing in local galleries and eventually published his first book, Photoedition Uwe Ommer, in 1979, a collection of personal and advertising works. In the following years, he would publish five more books of his photographs. In 2002, Uwe Ommer was awarded an Honorary Fellowship to the Royal Photographic Society for the impact of his lifetime of work. His other books for TASCHEN include Black Ladies, Asian Ladies, Transit, and 1000 Families.
Издание на английском языке.


ID товара
720 (Мелованная)
4398 г
300x300x50 мм
Тип обложки
7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон) 
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"Транзит: Вокруг света за 1424 дня" "Вокруг света за 1424 дня": эпический вояж среди книг "1000". Отчасти семейный журнал путешествий и отчасти альбом заметок, эта уникальная книга прослеживает четырёхлетнее путешествие фотографа Уве Оммера (Uwe Ommer), протяжённостью в 250 тысяч килом...
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