Saints: Priya Hemenway
This beautifully illustrated little book contains a selection of stories and artwork revealing the essence of Christianity's most beloved saints. We begin with a glimpse of the Biblical figures who knew Jesus in life and then discover those who spread his word-evangelists and hermits, teachers and f
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This beautifully illustrated little book contains a selection of stories and artwork revealing the essence of Christianity's most beloved saints. We begin with a glimpse of the Biblical figures who knew Jesus in life and then discover those who spread his word-evangelists and hermits, teachers and founders, missionaries and legendary heroes.
These saints have created a rich and wonderful tapestry. Their lives of love and devotion are examples of what is possible when the heart is infused with the words of the Messiah. The stories of the saints live on, century after century, as proof that the wisdom and compassion of his message are eternal.
Издание на английском языке.
These saints have created a rich and wonderful tapestry. Their lives of love and devotion are examples of what is possible when the heart is infused with the words of the Messiah. The stories of the saints live on, century after century, as proof that the wisdom and compassion of his message are eternal.
Издание на английском языке.
ID товара
152 (Офсет)
352 г
159x159x21 мм
Тип обложки
7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон)
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* Ольга *
22 января 2010 в 15:07
Эта красиво иллюстрированная небольшая книга содержит собрание историй и художественных работ, раскрывающих сущность самых любимых христианских святых. Мы начинаем с краткого знакомства с библейскими личностями, которые знали Иисуса при жизни, а затем исследуем тех, кто распространял его устное Е...
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