Great Escapes South America: Tuca Reines
Continuing its quest to seek out the world's most unique and inspiring hotels, TASCHEN takes on South America. This diverse selection of hotels, posadas, and haciendas highlights the most exceptional destinations on the continent. Among the breathtaking paradise spots are a hotel on a Patagonian nat
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Continuing its quest to seek out the world's most unique and inspiring hotels, TASCHEN takes on South America. This diverse selection of hotels, posadas, and haciendas highlights the most exceptional destinations on the continent. Among the breathtaking paradise spots are a hotel on a Patagonian natural reserve, a hacienda perched high in the Andes mountains, an adobe hotel in the Chilean desert, a converted monastery in Peru, a hotel built entirely of salt in Bolivia's Uyuni salt desert, and an "ecolodge" on a natural reserve in the Amazon rain forest. For the love of nature, tango dancing, and caipirinhas, nothing beats these exotic escapes from the fast lane.
Countries included: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay
About the editor:
Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
About the photographer:
Tuca Reines is a native and resident of Sao Paulo. For over 20 years, he has been a frequent contributor to magazines such as Vogue, Casa Vogue Brasil, and Wallpaper*, among others. He is the photographer of several architectural books and his work has also appeared in many publications, including TASCHEN's Seaside Interiors and Great Escapes South America.
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Countries included: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay
About the editor:
Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
About the photographer:
Tuca Reines is a native and resident of Sao Paulo. For over 20 years, he has been a frequent contributor to magazines such as Vogue, Casa Vogue Brasil, and Wallpaper*, among others. He is the photographer of several architectural books and his work has also appeared in many publications, including TASCHEN's Seaside Interiors and Great Escapes South America.
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
ID товара
Немецкий, Французский, Английский
360 (Мелованная)
1358 г
238x190x30 мм
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14 ноября 2011 в 16:55

Как же Taschen хитро поступил и не очень уважительно. Книга то оказывается абсолютный аналог "The Hotel Book. Great Escapes South America", только размер меньше и обложка не твердая, слегка подправили название и ввели меня в заблуждение.
Но книга очень красивая, крупные на развороты иллюстрации, качество ра...
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3 июня 2011 в 16:17

Книга отелей Южной Америки. Хорошая полиграфия, качественно исполненная книга, доставляющая массу удовольствия. В книге не только отели, но и дворики, скамейки, гамаки и все это утопающее в зелени.
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* Ольга *
8 декабря 2009 в 9:51
В эту книгу вошли обзоры самых лучших отелей следующих стран Южной Америки: Аргентина, Боливия, Бразилия, Чили, Колумбия, Эквадор, Перу, Уругвай.
Вдохновлённая поисками самых красивых и уютных гостиниц мира, Анжелика Ташен выбрала для очередного издания серии Южную Америку. Разнообразные отели, посадасы и гасиенды ис...
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