Miro: Walter Erben

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Fellow painter Walter Erben spent countless hours conversing with his colleague Joan Miro (1893-1983) at his house in Mallorca in preparation for this book. Over the course of these talks, Miro gave Erben many interesting and invaluable insights into his art, as well as his own interpretations of his most significant works.
Thus was born this Miro retrospective which explores, through texts and images, the life`s work of one of the 20th century's most influential painters.
About the editor:
Hajo Duchting (b. 1949 in Dusseldorf) studied art history, philosophy and archaeology in Munich, where he gained his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on Robert Delaunay's Windows series. After working in museum and adult education, he moved on to teaching posts and guest professorships at the universities of Munich, Kassel, Leipzig, Saarbrucken and Mainz. Since 2004 he has taught painting and colour theory at the Mediadesign Akademie in Munich. Duchting has published numerous articles on the art of the modern era, colour theory and the teaching of art and has authored a number of TASCHEN titles, including Paul Cezanne (1988), Wassily Kandinsky (1990); Robert and Sonia Delaunay (1993) and Georges Seurat (1999).
About the author:
Walter Erben (1908-1981) studied German at Berlin University as well as painting at the Academy of Art in Dusseldorf, where he studied under Oskar Moll and Paul Klee. Erben taught fine art in Rome and Hagen, authored many successful books on the subject, and lectured extensively during his lifetime.
Издание на английском языке.


Taschen, 2009
ID товара
240 (Мелованная)
1508 г
310x245x22 мм
Тип обложки
7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон) 
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Автор этой книги Вальтер Эрбен, прежде чем написать её, много раз встречался со знаменитым каталонским живописцем в его доме на Майорке. Благодаря этому, книга написана практически со слов самого Хуана Миро и содержит его собственный взгляд на искусство вообще и на своё собственное искусство. Вальтер Эрбен (Walter E...
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