The Circus 1870-1950: Granfield, Jando, Dahlinger
The greatest show on earth!
The history and legacy of the circus.
During its heyday one hundred years ago, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per s
The history and legacy of the circus.
During its heyday one hundred years ago, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per s
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The greatest show on earth!
The history and legacy of the circus.
During its heyday one hundred years ago, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show, employed as many as 1,600 men and women, and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils, strapping super-heroes and scantily-clad starlets, fearless animal trainers, and startling freaks gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, vaudeville, comedy, and minstrel shows of its day, and ultimately paved the way for film and television to take root in the modern era. Long before the Beat generation made "on the road" expeditions popular, the circus personified the experience and offered many young Americans the dream of adventure, reinvention, and excitement.
With 670 pages and nearly 900 color and black-and-white illustrations, this book brings to life the grit and glamour behind the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by key early circus photographers such as Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, about 180 of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, 200 posters by the famous Strobridge lithographers, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady, Cornell Capa, Walker Evans, Weegee, Lisette Model, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames; also included are rare color and black-and-white lithographs and engravings from the 16th-19th centuries illustrating the worldwide roots of the circus, as well as original sideshow banners by legendary sideshow banner artists Nieman Eisman, Fred G. Johnson, and David "Snap" Wyatt.
Organized into nine thematic chapters, the book sheds new light on circus history, from a behind-the-scenes look at life on the move, to the freedoms enjoyed by early female performers, to the innovative production skills that demanded as much know-how as a modern-day film production. For the first time ever, contemporary readers can now experience the legend of the American circus in full effect. The book's broad subject matter, riveting images, and diverse visual material will appeal both to the circus aficionado and those who have never before been to circus.
About the editor:
TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
About the authors:
Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada.
San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain.
About the contributing author:
Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus.
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
The history and legacy of the circus.
During its heyday one hundred years ago, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show, employed as many as 1,600 men and women, and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils, strapping super-heroes and scantily-clad starlets, fearless animal trainers, and startling freaks gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, vaudeville, comedy, and minstrel shows of its day, and ultimately paved the way for film and television to take root in the modern era. Long before the Beat generation made "on the road" expeditions popular, the circus personified the experience and offered many young Americans the dream of adventure, reinvention, and excitement.
With 670 pages and nearly 900 color and black-and-white illustrations, this book brings to life the grit and glamour behind the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by key early circus photographers such as Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, about 180 of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, 200 posters by the famous Strobridge lithographers, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady, Cornell Capa, Walker Evans, Weegee, Lisette Model, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames; also included are rare color and black-and-white lithographs and engravings from the 16th-19th centuries illustrating the worldwide roots of the circus, as well as original sideshow banners by legendary sideshow banner artists Nieman Eisman, Fred G. Johnson, and David "Snap" Wyatt.
Organized into nine thematic chapters, the book sheds new light on circus history, from a behind-the-scenes look at life on the move, to the freedoms enjoyed by early female performers, to the innovative production skills that demanded as much know-how as a modern-day film production. For the first time ever, contemporary readers can now experience the legend of the American circus in full effect. The book's broad subject matter, riveting images, and diverse visual material will appeal both to the circus aficionado and those who have never before been to circus.
About the editor:
TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
About the authors:
Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada.
San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain.
About the contributing author:
Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus.
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
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Немецкий, Французский, Английский
670 (Мелованная)
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* Ольга *
29 октября 2009 в 9:51
Эта книга - богато иллюстрированная история американского цирка. В ней более 900 чёрно-белых и цветных иллюстраций, среди которых примерно 180 - самые ранние цветные фотографии 40-50х годов, около 200 постеров, а также чёрно-белые литографии и гравюры XVI-XIX века.
CONTENTS (Содержание):
Foreword. The Birth of A...
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