Prouve: Nils Peters
Utilitarian simplicity, graceful beauty.
French architect and designer Jean Prouve (1901-1984) was one of the most important constructors of the 20th century. Prouve's design innovations included cleverly-shaped metal parts for building prefabricated structures; he designed buildings and furnitu
French architect and designer Jean Prouve (1901-1984) was one of the most important constructors of the 20th century. Prouve's design innovations included cleverly-shaped metal parts for building prefabricated structures; he designed buildings and furnitu
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Utilitarian simplicity, graceful beauty.
French architect and designer Jean Prouve (1901-1984) was one of the most important constructors of the 20th century. Prouve's design innovations included cleverly-shaped metal parts for building prefabricated structures; he designed buildings and furniture that could be produced with economy of labor and material and efficiency in use, while maintaining high technical standards and quality materials. His simple and elegant style, while born from the desire for inexpensive production, has become an imitable aesthetic and has earned him a position as one of the century`s most influential designers.
This introduction to Prouve`s work gives a profound insight into the variety of his oeuvre and the progressiveness of his inspirational vision.
About the author:
Nils Peters studied art history at the University of Hamburg, architecture at TFH Berlin, and urban sociology at Columbia University in New York. He has taught, published, and exhibited on the subject of architecture and has had his own practice since 1998.
Издание на английском языке.
French architect and designer Jean Prouve (1901-1984) was one of the most important constructors of the 20th century. Prouve's design innovations included cleverly-shaped metal parts for building prefabricated structures; he designed buildings and furniture that could be produced with economy of labor and material and efficiency in use, while maintaining high technical standards and quality materials. His simple and elegant style, while born from the desire for inexpensive production, has become an imitable aesthetic and has earned him a position as one of the century`s most influential designers.
This introduction to Prouve`s work gives a profound insight into the variety of his oeuvre and the progressiveness of his inspirational vision.
About the author:
Nils Peters studied art history at the University of Hamburg, architecture at TFH Berlin, and urban sociology at Columbia University in New York. He has taught, published, and exhibited on the subject of architecture and has had his own practice since 1998.
Издание на английском языке.
ID товара
96 (Мелованная)
346 г
230x186x8 мм
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Черно-белые + цветные
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* Ольга *
30 декабря 2009 в 11:05
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Утилитарная простота, изящная красота. Французский архитектор и проектировщик Жан Пруве (1901-1984) был одним из самых значительных конструкторов XX века. Новизна его проектов определялась грамотно созданными металлическими деталями для строительства готовых конструкций. Он проектировал здан...
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